The Event

Cambo, Georgia, Mikahla and Trevor

On Saturday the 4th of March, 2023 we came together for event “One More Night” in honour of our beautiful Tania.

The night was hugely successful raising $90, 951.60 to support The Florey Institute for the Victorian Brain Bank (VBB) to aid vital research into MSA.

Thanks to all those who attended, donated and/or contributed. To the anonymous philanthropic source who matched donations up to 80k, THANK YOU.

We hope that the funds raised improves the understanding of this disease and early diagnose for future patients and their families.  

From Trevor, Cambo, Georgie, Mikahla and family.

Stay tuned for details of our next event. If you have been impacted by MSA and/or would like to get involved in this important cause, email: